
The following email was sent by Maggie to Monsieur Pedicure:
Hello Monsieur Pedicure-

I am writing you to tell you I am your biggest fan!!
I recently saw you on America's Got Talent and was impressed by your amazing dancing skills.
Two of my friends and I just went camping and all we could talk about was your act. We even tried toe dancing ourselves. We found I was the best at it because my big toe, or "dancing toe" as we call it, moves separately from my smaller toes.
I have a few questions that I hope you will answer. First, how did you come up with the name Monsieur Pedicure? Do speak French or have a French heritage? Do you make your own costumes/stages for the dance? Does your toe dance to all music? What is your favorite type of music? Do you plan on having shows where people can come and see you in person? For instance, in the town of Chicken, Alaska? Do you have a fan club? Shirts for sale?
I would appreciate a response.


He replied almost immediately:

Hi Maggie!

Thanks for the kind words. You're one of the true believers!!

It's interesting that most people think it's not an unusual talent. I'm glad you and your friends tried it and found it is pretty complicated.

I'll try to answer your questions as best I can:

1. I came up with the name Monsieur Pedicure last summer because I felt I had to have a stage name. The 'Pedicure' part came first (after several other foot/toe-related ideas). I added 'Monsieur' to try to give it a bit more class (if you can believe that). The outfit also was designed to add a little more sizzle. Also, my sister insisted I wear a mask so I wouldn't embarrass her, but I like the look now.

2. I'm not French, but the toe might be. It wiggled a little more than usual when I started using that name.

3.  I'm looking for wardrobe and makeup people to design costumes for me. Right now, I have a collection of stickers and miniature hats as props, but it will be more professional in the future.

4.  Monsieur Pedicure can dance to any fast music. The first two songs I tried were 'Tequila' and the theme song from the TV series 'I Dream of Jeannie'. I made a DVD with those two songs and sent it in to America's Got Talent. They called me back and the rest is history.

5.  The America's Got Talent show was the first live performance. I just had an incredible 'wardrobe malfunction' (like Janet Jackson in the Super Bowl). Luckily, there was no fine by the FCC. I plan to give a performance next month for relatives at my family reunion (over 300 people), but no club dates so far. I'm sure there will be more in the Los Angeles area in the future. I don't know about Chicken, Alaska. You might just have to wait to see me on TV again. I will e-mail you about future television shows to keep you updated.

6.  The DVD is the only merchandise I have right now, but I did send it to EVERY talent agency here in LA. Let's hope someone has your vision and also likes it. Maybe a kids' dance show (everyone wants me to call it 'The Toe Jam').

Thanks again for your message. And keep the faith!!