
The Inspiration that is Monsieur Pedicure

Now, I bet you are wondering how Lauren, Alyssa, and Maggie discovered the passion of their lives. Like many others we did not find toe dancing until it appeared on the popular television show America's Got Talent. On July 7, 2009 Monsieur Pedicure bravely showcased his talent to the world. Although he was not put through to the next round of competition we feel that he was the real winner. His act inspired many talented dancers (mainly the trio) to pursue their own art. So for this we thank you Monsieur.

Click the CorresponDance tab to read email from Monsieur Pedicure himself.
And in Links is the web address to MP's own toe dancing site.
Now for your enjoyment we present Monsieur Pedicure on America's Got Talent.